Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Lost & Found

You find no more than you search.
You search no more than you want.
You want no more than you are.
You are no more than I find.
I find no more than I search.
I search no more than I want.
I want no more than I am.

We find what we had never lost,
And we lose it again.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

It is with much hope and as much fear that I write this: fear that my hopes are unfounded, and hope that my fears are unfounded. Confound it!

Like Harry Haller, I need a Hermine, or maybe a Marla Singer.

A Taste of The Fine Cake that Kind Fate Bakes Us

Decisions we make
Decisions that make us
From dreams we wake
To dreams that wake us
Friends for our own sake
Seek us then forsake us
To have what it takes
And go where it takes us
To die of a cause or die for a cause
Whose inevitable invisible effect shakes us