Sunday, January 22, 2006

A Duet Solo

To the memory of the muse
That once I tried to amuse
This insipid joke I dedicate
It pleads, it proves more than argues!
Fie, fie, fie, fie!
Harden or die!
Why, why, why, why?
To live and lie
In love so low,
So late, so slow,
Together woo, together wow,
Together woe!
Eat, drink, and tip the waiter,
Before is now,
Now is later,
Just one, only one sole, still on the ground
High, high, high, high,
The best fool around,
You, they, we, I
Smile in slime, fall & laugh, cry
But never let out a sigh!
Only dropped by to see you and say hi,
Now I bid you farewell,
My good friend, goodbye!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


How innocently malicious,
How sinister, nasty, wicked and vicious,
How modestly ambitious,

How fearlessly coward,
How gracefully awkward,

How boldly timid,
How dimly vivid,

How consciously unconscious,
How dreadfully & keenly conscious,
How honestly pretentious,

How audaciously meek,
How uncomely chic,

How consistently contradictory,
How overwhelmed in victory,

How insincerely sincere,
How economically dear,

How uncommonly common,
How extraordinarily ordinary,

How violently tender,
How standing firm to surrender,

How paradoxically unparadoxical,
How unnaturally natural

How interestingly dull,
How nothingly all,

How conventionally unconventional,

How sufficiently insufficient,
How efficiently inefficient

How adequately inadequate,
How accurately inaccurate,
How precisely vague,

How serenely enraged,
How impassively engaged,

How significantly insignificant,

How truly false
How rational by impulse

How beautifully unbeautiful
How irresponsibly dutiful

How originally cliché
How invariably variable

How reasonably unreasonable
How unreasonably reasonable
How loyally treasonable

How immaculately tainted
How blankly painted

How noticeably imperceptible

How genuinely fake
How proffering to take
How always dreaming to wake
How destructive to make

How purely impure
How dangerously secure
How clearly obscure

How tritely fresh
How in the spirit of the flesh
How thoroughly incomplete
How differently indifferent

How inhumanly human
How humanly inhuman
We seem not
To be not
We are not
What we are.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

درستی، زیبایی و نیکی به ترتیب موضوعات علم، هنر و اخلاق هستند، و فلسفه به ارتباط این سه با یکدیگر و با هستی میپردازد. 1
بودن با خواستن و برگزیدن همراه و هم‌ارز است. "خواستن" عبارت است از داوری و ارزیابی گزینه‌های موجود بر اساس بقا، لذت، قدرت و معنا. برگزیدن تبلور خواست در قالب کنش است و بدینسان این سه هرگز از یکدیگر گسستی ندارند: ما آنیم که برگزیده‌ایم و آنرا برگزیده‌ایم که خود خواسته‌ایم. 1
خرد و احساس ابزارهای سنجش این گزینه‌هایند. ابزارهایی بسیار ظریف که بکار بردنشان نیازمند دانش شناخت فراوان (از آندو و از آنچه که می‌سنجند) و مهارت بسیار است. و بدست آوردن این دانش، شناخت و مهارت تنها از راه بکار بردنشان ممکن است. 1
آرمان من بودن، خواستن و برگزیدن هر چه خردمندانه‌تر و پراحساس‌تر است. این بدان معناست که پیوسته بخواهم و برگزینم و حس کنم و بیاندیشم. 1

رابطه بقا، لذت، قدرت و معنا با درستی، زیبایی و نیکی این است که هر چه که میانگین این چهار را افزایش دهد به یکی از آن سه تعلق دارد. 1

x = A sin (ωt + θ)

Misted by truth,
Shrouded by lies,
Imperceptible to the naked eyes
By bobs & strings
By weights & springs
We make improvement
In our Simple,
Harmonic Movement.

nada y pues nada y pues nada

No shadows in darkness,
Which travels faster than light;
No echoes in silence,
Which travels faster than sound;
No shadows of echoes
No echoes of shadows
No absence in absence
Which doesn't travel at all:
It's present everywhere.
So stretch your hand
To the other side of the mobious band.
Calculated overflaw of feeble reasons
Forgotten in anxiety
Indifferent flow of people, seasons
Indulgence or piety

Have you not your doubts?
Your moments of despair?
Have you not your thoughts?
Of fears your share?

Have you never tired
Of the so-waht-ness of life?
Have you not felt your patience
Wearing thin by patience?

Then I doubt you doubt
That in despair you fear
The doubtful desperate thought,
And patiently go on:
"Yes, I have. so what?"
Many miles of small steps,
Many long hours
of uninterrupted silence
By the unreflecting
Stream of time;
The flow of tic-tocs
In still hasty clocks
Have separated me
From me when I wasn't me yet

Many doors, many walls
Many summers, many falls
Many hopes, many calls
Many things...

My parts

A part of me thought.
A part of me knew.
A part of me felt.
A part of me cared.

I thought I knew I felt I cared.
I knew I thought I felt I cared.
I felt I thought I knew I cared.

A part of me died.
A part of me didn't care.


Fixed in the downness of gravity,
Knot up with me and I and myself,
In unspun threads of some reality
That's pretty ugly,
I hang loose, I fall, I sink, I float;
I choke, and words throttle my throat.
I shit, I crap, I shut the fuck up;
They smile and clap, but they muck the mock up.

I stumble, I slip, I sprain my ankle.
I fumble, I trip, and my wounds rankle.

I live.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

.میتوان شک کرد. می توان باور داشت
.می توان به شک کردن باور داشت
می توان به شک کردن شک کرد؟