How innocently malicious,
How sinister, nasty, wicked and vicious,
How modestly ambitious,
How fearlessly coward,
How gracefully awkward,
How boldly timid,
How dimly vivid,
How consciously unconscious,
How dreadfully & keenly conscious,
How honestly pretentious,
How audaciously meek,
How uncomely chic,
How consistently contradictory,
How overwhelmed in victory,
How insincerely sincere,
How economically dear,
How uncommonly common,
How extraordinarily ordinary,
How violently tender,
How standing firm to surrender,
How paradoxically unparadoxical,
How unnaturally natural
How interestingly dull,
How nothingly all,
How conventionally unconventional,
How sufficiently insufficient,
How efficiently inefficient
How adequately inadequate,
How accurately inaccurate,
How precisely vague,
How serenely enraged,
How impassively engaged,
How significantly insignificant,
How truly false
How rational by impulse
How beautifully unbeautiful
How irresponsibly dutiful
How originally cliché
How invariably variable
How reasonably unreasonable
How unreasonably reasonable
How loyally treasonable
How immaculately tainted
How blankly painted
How noticeably imperceptible
How genuinely fake
How proffering to take
How always dreaming to wake
How destructive to make
How purely impure
How dangerously secure
How clearly obscure
How tritely fresh
How in the spirit of the flesh
How thoroughly incomplete
How differently indifferent
How inhumanly human
How humanly inhuman
We seem not
To be not
We are not
What we are.